The Return of Tourism

The pandemic has been a remarkable period which has seen an unprecedented drop in tourism. Notably, the nights spent in hotel accommodation was cut in half in 2020. Luckily, there are good news: Now that Covid is practically a story of the past, the tourism market in Europe is nearing pre-pandemic levels, particularly in France. Paris, theCity of Light, has claimed back its status as one of the most visited cities in the world and welcomed 33 million visitors in 2022. With 322 million nights spent between April and September 2022, SchengenVisa estimates that visitors spent up to 2.7% more nights in hotels and other short-term accommodation than in 2019. And Paris’ way back to the new [visitor] normal doesn’t stop here: With the impact of Emily of Paris and the Olympic Games, the city of Paris expects to welcome 9.7 million tourists in July and August 2024. Are you thinking about a trip to Paris, too?‍‍